It is definitely not the Michelin Guide, but wanted terroirists who more or less untyringly present themselves using various aliases as Pirelli & Firestone, Continental & Goodyear, l'Oelf et l'André, Al et al. The two wanted men may both have very winesome caracters and have apparently been seen wearing cork jackets and greasy wine glasses but local carawineiri fear they may be extremely corky in a dangerous sort of way. So if you happen to run across them, do not even think about seeing it as a wine-wine situation, but simply call Scotland Farmyard or Vintnerpol immediately.
A third suspect who is possibly closely connected to the Tyresome Two is known to have strong connections to a radical terroirist cell in Troyes known as Al Crieurs. Apparently here, they are known for throwing sulphurless bombs at winnocent bypassers.